Sunday, 5 April 2020

Dare To Say No

Dear Aarush and Aayra,

We live in a world where you meet a lot of people. Everyone has their own perception of good and bad. But there will be a lot of things in common. Their ideas of good and bad will be similar in many ways. If a kid disobeys an elder everyone says 'no this is not right'. The kid will be told to do as their elders say. If a kid denies something to the younger one then also he/she has been asked to do as a younger kid says. We live in a world full of principles. Which is great. I think it's amazing to listen to your elders, one should always do so. One should always listen to what other person is saying no matter what age. But, listen is not always doing so. I know, my babies, I always said please do this or that but I want to tell you to listen, analyze, and then say 'yes' or 'no' to whatever being asked to you. For this my dear kids, it is important for you to learn to stop saying yes.


One of the very important things I learned a hard way is to say no and believe me, it is equally important to say yes. Without each other one cannot exist. It is important to say no:

  • When you don't feel like saying yes, don't hang anyone midway
  • When you want to say it
  • When someone wants to take advantage of you
  • When someone wants to put their baggage on your head
  • If you look into the mirror and you feel you quit
  • When you don't want to do something which doesn't agree with your conscience
  • When someone tries to trash your confidence
  • When someone tries to change you for bad
  • When you think of doing something stupid you shouldn't do, and most importantly
  • When you feel like it
  • When you ever think to harm yourself

Every time if you say yes to something you don't want to do, this could happen:

  • You will be unhappy
  • You will resent people
  • You will do a bad job
  • You will have less energy
  • Your relationships will suffer
  • It could give you sleep problems
  • It could give you low-frequency anxiety
  • You won't feel clarity
  • You can feel a lot of stress

All this could be avoided just by saying NO. Saying no is healthy. It could bring you confidence and satisfaction of doing what you want to do not what you compelled to do. But remember this doesn't mean that you should say no to everything because sometimes by saying yes we could help someone else, we could have less regret, sometimes we could be happy by making others happy. So think and act accordingly.

Good Luck!! 

This post is a part of Blogchatter’s A2Z challenge, #BlogchatterA2Z  on the alphabet ‘D’. My theme for this challenge is ‘Letters to My Kids, learnings of life I want them to know when they grow up’. You can also look for the same under #jainnehas or @jainneha86 on Instagram and Twitter.
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  1. earning to say No is very important and this should be added to the teachings. Kids should learn to say No when they don't want to do something. when they know that by saying No, their friendship will not be affected they are more likely to understand it

    1. It is true. I hope everyone understands this.

  2. Very important teaching. Saying NO is a life skill one must learn.

  3. I wish kids will learn something with this. And parents will help them through.


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