Dear Aarush and Aayra,
One of the magical words is 'Sorry'. This is what I learned from your poem of preschool. I have never learned this in my school. It doesn't mean that I don't know how to say sorry or don't know it's importance. It's just that I don't have such poems in my school and never learned values specifically as a subject in school. We use to learn all this in our daily activities of school and home or just via socializing. Nowadays it is a mandatory subject in school, as well as every subject, needs to put a value-based question in each chapter of theirs because it's a hard truth that nowadays, we are losing our values.
There are three magical words thankyou, please, and sorry. All of these we definitely have a habit to hear on a daily basis. Among these also, saying thank you and please are easier than saying sorry. At your age, right now, it is really difficult for Aayra also to say sorry to you and she is just a 5-year-old child. As we grow old saying sorry becomes more and more difficult. Saying sorry comes with a very big word that is acceptance. Saying sorry means you accept that you did a mistake or feeling regret or feeling sympathy. Saying sorry is difficult because:
- It shows your vulnerability.
- It shows your acceptance of mistakes.
- Few people see it as a sign of weakness but actually, it shows how strong you are.
- It confirms your guilt.
- Sometimes one feels as if he/she is not worthy of forgiveness.
- Saying sorry seems to viewed as a means to draw attention to the mistake.
- Sometimes you feel forgiveness from others is not possible.
But still, you should say sorry. Saying sorry is good but it needs to be said genuinely. It gives you a chance to see everything in a new light. It is important as:
- It carries a lot of weight if it is genuine.
- It helps to accept yourself the way you are.
- It helps to ease your pressure.
- It helps to analyze the viewpoint of others.
- It helps to forgive.
- It helps to forget and let go.
- It helps you to maintain a healthy relationship.
- It helps to help others sometimes.
So, don't think too much and say sorry. But remember one shouldn't say sorry when saying so means you have to compromise with your values and self-respect.
Good Luck!!
This post is a part of Blogchatter’s A2Z challenge, #BlogchatterA2Z on the alphabet 'S'. My theme for this challenge is ‘Letters to My Kids, learnings of life I want them to know when they grow up’. You can also look for the same under #jainnehas or @jainneha86 on Instagram and Twitter
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