Saturday, 11 April 2020

Jigsaw of Life

Dear Aarush and Aayra,

Since I was a little kid, puzzles fascinates me. I love to solve jigsaws and hence bought many for you too. Sometimes I wonder our life is also a jigsaw puzzle for us. JIGSAW is a picture in many pieces that one must put together. Our life is like this only. All our thoughts, acts, values, behaviors, friends, family are those pieces that completes our picture of life That is why we crave for all of them to be with us. While in playschool, Aayra memorized few lines which were a part of her school's assembly, which she recites every time at home. This often makes me think whether she understands even a bit of it. Why her teachers made her learn this? Slowly, I understood this was a good practice. Maybe kids didn't understand it at that time but they will gradually do. Not even kids their parents too, just because of this they will also renounce the real meaning of life and will learn something from this. Today I want to remind you both of this only. These
  • क्यों व्यर्थ की चिंता करते हो? किससे व्यर्थ डरते हो? कौन तुम्हें मार सक्ता है? अात्मा ना पैदा होती है, न मरती है।
  • जो हुअा, वह अच्छा हुअा, जो हो रहा है, वह अच्छा हो रहा है, जो होगा, वह भी अच्छा ही होगा। तुम भूत का पश्चाताप न करो। भविष्य की चिन्ता न करो। वर्तमान चल रहा है।
  • तुम्हारा क्या गया, जो तुम रोते हो? तुम क्या लाए थे, जो तुमने खो दिया? तुमने क्या पैदा किया था, जो नाश हो गया? न तुम कुछ लेकर अाए, जो लिया यहीं से लिया। जो दिया, यहीं पर दिया। जो लिया, इसी (भगवान) से लिया। जो दिया, इसी को दिया।

In English: 

Whatever is happening, is happening for good.
Whatever will happen, shall also for good.
What have you lost for which you cry?
What did you bring with you, which you have lost?
What did you produce, which has destroyed?
You did not bring anything when you were born.
Whatever you have, you have received from Him.
Whatever you will give, you will give to Him.
You came empty-handed and will go empty-handed
Whatever has happened, has happened for good.
whatever is yours today was somebody else's yesterday
and will be somebody else's tomorrow.

These lines don't require any explanation for sure. Try to remember these always. Whenever you are upset or in doubt do read them. They will surely help as they did to me. They will surely tell you something about this jigsaw of life as per your own understanding.

Good Luck!!

This post is a part of Blogchatter’s A2Z challenge, #BlogchatterA2Z  on the alphabet 'J'. My theme for this challenge is ‘Letters to My Kids, learnings of life I want them to know when they grow up’. You can also look for the same under #jainnehas or @jainneha86 on Instagram and Twitter.

Let's know each other more and follow if you like...

You can find my other posts here A B C D E F G H I  K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


  1. Yes, life is like a jigsaw puzzle and we all want the puzzle to complete in on ego but time to time, the pieces go missing and we once again start fresh.

    1. It’s complex but what we can understand from this is, no matter how many pieces we found or lost at the end it will be complete and a new will start. The beauty of it is not completing it but finding joy in the process of joining any two pieces together. One at a time.

    2. @tomichan matheikal thanks for the kind words.

  2. Beautiful lines that explain the essence of life. And so applicable to our present situation too!

  3. Thanks for reading and your kind words.


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