Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Live a Little More Everyday

Dear Aarush and Aayra,

We are living in a beautiful world. As per science, earth is amazing. It has something which other planets don't have which is why it is a unique planet. There are billions of people living all around the globe. Among which you are also the one. How different you can be from others, how different is your way of living? I am not saying that you have to do something unique and amazing that everyone in the world will remember your name. I think you will be the better judge of what you want to be and how you want to live. But here I just want to remind you, to actually live. Live a little more every day, so that your today seems always better than yesterday. If you keep on doing this you will have a great future ahead. Living your life a little more truly means:

do something a little different
have a hobby
have friends
stop making long term plans
be spontaneous
create a bucket list
feel ok when fail
live in the present
tell people you love them
keep your mind open
change things
ignore the things you cant change
do work you love
overcome your fears
take care of your body
take care of your mind
eat good
stop worrying
spread positivity
help others
spread happiness
speak your mind

If you just do a few of these, I am sure your life will be better day by day. This will make you live life to your fullest.

मैं तो जीना चाहता था और जीने के लिए,

कम्बख्त जीते जीते जीना ही भूल गया 

कोशिश तो बहुत है कि और जी जाऊँ 

काश कोई जीने का, तरीका सीखा जाए 

Good Luck!!

This post is a part of Blogchatter’s A2Z challenge, #BlogchatterA2Z  on the alphabet 'L'. My theme for this challenge is ‘Letters to My Kids, learnings of life I want them to know when they grow up’. You can also look for the same under #jainnehas or @jainneha86 on Instagram and Twitter

Let's know each other more and follow if you like...

You can find my other posts here  A B C D E F G H I J K M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


  1. Wow Neha, I absolutely loved the letter. How wonderful to know that a mom is writing for her kids to do something different. It's courageous, you know!! Thus your kids will have new dreams too. Lovely.

    1. May they have new dreams. Thanks again for such kind words.

  2. Thats a wonderful piece of advice. Each day brings new hopes, and many learning moments. We can take them as an opportunity to groom ourselves.

    1. Yes we can. I really wish my kids understands this one day.


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